Announcement Annual Conference 会員連絡


English version is here.

2022年度のインド思想史学会学術大会は、12月24日にオンラインにて開催いたします。大会に参加を希望する会員は、12月21日までにこのフォームにて必ず参加申し込みをしてください。登録された参加者には、23日頃にZoom Meetingの情報をお送りします。参加申込ができるのは会員だけです。会員はこのフォームの最下欄を使って、非会員の参加申込をすることができます。

登録用 Google Form はこちら

Announcement Annual Conference 会員連絡 学術大会 未分類

Registration for the 29th annual conference (online)

The 29th annual conference is to be held online on Saturday 24 December 2022. We will cordially invite you to the online conference. In order to attend on it, please register by 21 Dec 2022 using the Google Form that has been sent to the members. Registered participants will receive the conference Zoom meeting link by 23 Dec 2022. There is no registration fee.

Attached, please find the programme with abstracts of papers of the conference. The printed version will be sent by post.

Only the members of the Association may register through the Google Form. A member can still register non-members by using the bottom section of the form.

The Registration Form