Announcement Annual Conference 会員連絡 学術大会 案内

第31回学術大会開催日程 The 31st Annual Conference Date



開催場所は京都大学。発表を希望される方は2024年10月31日までに題目と要旨を事務局 hit_office@googlegroups.com までお送りください。

The next annual conference will be held on Saturday, 11 January 2025. Please note that this time, the conference will be held in January rather than usual December.

The format will be in-person and online hybrid. The presenters are in principle expected to be at the venue.

The venue will be at Kyoto University. Those who wish to present a paper are asked to send the title and abstract to hit_office@googlegroups.com by 31 October 2024.


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